Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Halloween and my Sewing Machine

I was washing and waxing my vehicle on Saturday morning when I got a phone call from my 4-year nephew. He asked if I could make him a "Curious George" costume for Halloween. So off I went to the fabric store (any reason is a good reason - and they were having a sale!). I printed off a picture of George and spent Sunday morning having fun. Here's a picture
of the finished project, complete with banana. It's off in the mail today, and my "bill" inside told him to have Mom take his picture wearing the costume and send it to me.

While I was at it, I made some gifts for my neighbor and her new baby. A fabric book (pre-print fabric), blocks, burp cloths, and a bag to tote the baby stuff in.

And I finished the quilting and binding on a Halloween wall hanging!

I'm still learning to take a good digital picture, but over all a productive weekend!


Doris said...

Oh, Ann, what a great auntie! I love your "George", be sure to post the "payment" you receive!

Kritta22 said...

Hello Ann...I'm coming over from a friend of yours! What a cute site!